So much is going on for our little soap shop, sometimes I cant even fathom how far we have come in such a short amount of time. Our fans/friends are pretty much the coolest people in the world and we wouldnt be any where without you guys.
Onto the cool news.
Channel 5 is doing a feature story on us for their Locally Owned slot. Its a relatively new program so Im excited that we were picked to be one of the first few they have used.
Upside, they are going to shoot us making soap, talk about working for yourself and owning your own business as well as filming at our local farmers market. The Downtown Art Market. SOOOO EXCITED.
The bad news is, they are coming to our house. As in a real live camera crews inside our house. This means a full out heavy duty spring cleaning. Even the top of our fridge got a good once over. Its a little nerve wracking having strangers with cameras come into your home let me tell ya.
However, I have decided that some of the things I love most about working from home is the fact that my son's highchair is 2 feet from my desk. I step over toys to get to my work table, and silly songs is occasionally playing in the background.
This is our life, and I LOVE it. I wouldnt change what we are doing for the world, so Im pretty a-ok sharing that with people. This is our business, our family and being at home with them is what makes it so wonderful.
So as long as you dont mind a little baby clutter, our soaps are the best ever. :)